Monday, July 29, 2013

Senator & James Clapper, Stephen Preston and Michael Vickers.... I Agree The President Does NOT Need to Apologize for America .. ALTHOUGH: .Some "Individuals" Need to Apologize for Their Actions

I emailed people in Venezuela JUST to get a message to the NSA.  That way I KNOW they'll read it:):)

Senator- look I googled James Clapper and did an image search and MY picture popped...

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat <>
Subject: NISSAN Whistleblower Reacher Out to Auto Companies Venezuela in Hope That NSA Reads the Email…. The UN Can Stop Syrian Conflict Too… Just an Arms Embargo is Needed for BOTH Sides.
Date: July 28, 2013 11:13:37 AM CDT
To:, Venezuela, "" <>, "" <>, United Nations, Anita Househam <>, "" <>
Cc: Sharyn Bovat <>
Bcc: "" <>, Jonathan Collegio <>, Andrea Uckele <>

Venezuela Auto Industry, The United Nations & the NSA/CIA

First a question for JAMES CLAPPER & the people of the world. How does the child of a pilot who was involved with CIA gun runner & drug trafficking get help in America?  

My name is Sharyn Bovat I'm asking for RESPECT- People connected to Stephen Preston of the CIA have abused me.  People connected to Carlos Ghosn the NISSAN/Renault CEO have abused me. ALL I want is to be able to work, get health insurance and to not live in fear.  I love my country and all I ask is for America to treat me with RESPECT.  

Also NSA Elite: Do NOT blame all the post WW2 drama on "my family" we just did what we were told. Do NOT put ALL the blame on the Republicans... Sure Henry Kissinger did some "dirty" things BUT he's been "non-partisan for a LONG time.  It's my impression that the Nazi protection and South American recruitment operation did NOT turn out "as planned"... I say let the truth be told about Operation Condor and let it be known GLOBALLY that the NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn's dad was part of Condor and that he was part of global cover ups INCLUDING the Lockerbie Bombing.  

We have to end the era of cover ups.  Too much is "coming to light".. MOST Americans no longer trust the government and a MAJORITY want the CIA to become "extinct"... So the CIA needs to "re-brand".... They have some good people in Langley that can "Make it Happen"...I met some that "want a fresh start"..... 

To have a fresh start you have to put it ALL on the table:  So I say let it be known that Agent Orange was originally ordered by Kennedy to help the Brazillian economy.  The FRENCH did not want the rubber trees in Vietnam to be "profitable" for a long time so killing them "made sense".. Jackie had friends at Michelin. Oops I might need Asylum for saying that?   

I'm CC's the United Nations for I hope they'll INSIST on global humanity.  When i was a little girl my mom took me to the United Nations and we got a private tour - I learned that the building that house beautiful art (I learned to love Chagall at the UN) I learned that the United Nations is the "hope" for World Peace.  

That said: Knowing America will NEVER apologize for anything. We don't have to apologize UNLESS Every nations "man ups" and apolozies for ALL.  I say "man up" cause if women ruled the world there would be LESS war:):)  

I just got some news about Syria that is "mind blowing"... The conflict could peacefully be resolved "if" both Russia, the US & ALL United Nation countries agreed to NOT allow for arms or part of weapons to be sold to ANY terrorist nation "including" Syria.   If France did not makes it's deals too.  Anyway "if" we did a No Fly Zone and NOT armed the rebels & "if" at the same time Assad had "no access" to weapons in a couple of months it would be combat with no artillery .. less deaths.  This option is "off" the table because BOTH Russia and the US like selling their War Toys.   

The fact is America is a great nation & just a "few bad actors" made some mistakes.  So lets NOT blame any nation or any religion or any culture.  Lets create path to a better future. 

Still- Many people that were vicitmized by Post WW2 chess playing are rightfully angry at what only a "few" in America did.  Recently I met a retired Naval officer who was scuba diving in Roatan Honduras and "his line was cut".... people tried to kill him.  It's my understanding they thought he was connected to Embassy people involved with drug trafficking.  Sadly he was NOT warned about traveling to Honduras.  Luckily for me I was giving a travel warning- A guy from the DOD gave me a list of where NOT to go. Oddly Edward Snowden has been offered asylum in those countries?

So- to make peace happen "someone" has to have the balls to apologize.. So being a woman I'll do it: 

I Sharyn Bovat an individual human being whose family "might" have been involved with Operation Condor & other things... I Sharyn Bovat did NOT do anything illegal BUT I know that people did things "not kosher" because they were told to.  So I as an individual apologize as an "individual" for anything my family "might have" done or "might" have known about. I Sharyn Bovat RESPECT ALL PEOPLE and want global humanity to happen.

Thank you for reading,

Sharyn Bovat

Friday, July 26, 2013

James Clapper, Michael Vickers & Stephen Preston: Lets Hope Joe Manchin's Guy Dan Gilbert Communicates a "Possible" Issue with Stephen Preston During the Confirmation Hearings.

Yesterday I personally spoke to Dan Gilbert- Nice guy (we both spent time in Honduras) he did not associate with locals connected to CIA backed drug cartels like I did.  Still I have a feeling he knew what I was saying was "real"......

FYI- I was vetted by very credible people in the mainstream media & I know my story is NOT told due to "cover ups".... 

That said I want to prevent FUTURE cover ups & LOTS of questions need to be asked to Stephen Preston.
ALL that I blog about and have on my website has "vetted" to be 85-90% true. To make someone credible they only need to be 75% accurate & credible in things connected to the CIA you only have to be 60% accurate.

Recently I was told by a respected member of the mainstream media that ALL that I blog about and have on my website has "vetted" to be 85-90% true. To make someone credible they only need to be 75% accurate and to make someone credible in things connected to the CIA you only have to be 60% accurate.  

The 10-15% of the items that I write about that were proven to not be correct have been explained to me like this...'either we can't verify OR you were giving false informations.... you were associated with 'master manipulators' 

I was not told what I say is wrong (if I did I would issue "clarifications) but I get the impression from another conversation that my Tony Blair allegations were 'slightly' off.  Personally I think he's a a money grubbing twit BUT years ago I was told that "people are products of their environment and maybe he just became oblivious to his actions.  I think that happened to the Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell too.  Power Corrupts and not all people know their corrupt... UNTIL the FEDS come knocking.   

James Clapper, Michael Vickers & Stephen Preston - All the Information on This Website is ONLY 85-90% Accurate. Can the NSA Clarify What I Have Wrong? Seriously I Want to Be Accurate - Is That What the CIA Wants?

Recently I was told by a respected member of the mainstream media that ALL that I blog about and have on my website has "vetted" to be 85-90% true. To make someone credible they only need to be 75% accurate and to make someone credible in things connected to the CIA you only have to be 60% accurate.  

The 10-15% of the items that I write about that were proven to not be correct have been explained to me like this...'either we can't verify OR you were giving false informations.... you were associated with 'master manipulators' 

I was not told what I say is wrong (if I did I would issue "clarifications) but I get the impression from another conversation that my Tony Blair allegations were 'slightly' off.  Personally I think he's a a money grubbing twit BUT years ago I was told that "people are products of their environment and maybe he just became oblivious to his actions.  I think that happened to the Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell too.  Power Corrupts and not all people know their corrupt... UNTIL the FEDS come knocking.   

Senator - I'm Tired of Whistleblowing & NOW People are Listening... YOU Told Me a LONG Time Ago to Keep Speaking Until Someone Hears. Can I Have Confirmation That I'm Being Heard?

"To discredit me as a whistleblower people connected to NISSAN & the Haslam family said I was gay, I was a bimbo, I was crazy, I was greedy, I was a 'femi-nazi' .... OMG!!! I've been called so many things... NOW I'm known as a former member of the IC community. NOW I'm known as the whistleblower that 'had the courage' to NOT flee the country & Haslam Elite the tide is changing and I hope to catch the wave that leads me OUT OF THIS MESS...  I want to feel safe again"  Sharyn Bovat

Senator Dianne Feinstein Remember Me?: Senator - I'm Quite Sure ...
Apr 16, 2013 - Senator - I'm Quite Sure It Was at the Mother Daughter MentoringBrunch at Diane Schinnerer's House in Danville That YOU Gave Me the Advice ... Apr 16, 2012 – The blog of Sharyn Bovat the NISSAN Whistleblower... Kopp ran unsuccessfully for Mayor of San Francisco in 1979 against Dianne Feinstein.

James Clapper, Michael Vickers and Stephen Preston - I Hope Ya'll Support a Bill that Protects Families of Covert Operatives. I'm Gonna Ask Congressman Michele Bachmann to

Covert operations: operation should be undetected while in progress, but the outcome may be easily observed. Example: special operations team secretly inserted behind enemy lines to destroy a high-value target.
Clandestine operations: operation should be undetected while in progress and after completion. Example: steal copies of enemy intelligence

Why America Needs a Covert & Clandestine Operative Family Protection Act?
Because family members of those in the IC community were used as "friendly fixtures" and spied for America.  Since a rivalry with the CIA, DIA, FBI existed they needed operatives without "baggage" and they used family members to find out "what" the others were doing.  This is UNDER CONSTRUCTION.  Since Michelle Bachmann is a "lame duck" I asked one of her staffers to help.  They told me to send stuff to Boland.  
FYI- Michele Bachmann owes me a favor.  It was a person connected to her that called me in the spring of 2012 about Iran sending a Stinger Missile to Mexico.  My family was connected to Operation Cyclone & did gun running. America armed islamic extremist to help end communism- so when I was informed about the traveling 80's era" stinger missile  I made a couple calls and told them "it was probably for a gun collection" and most likely won't be used to bring down a commercial plane flying tourist from LA to Cabo.   The other scenario is that it could be used in a cartel turf fight. Maybe on my next trip to DC I can tell Congresswoman directly.  See went to Russia with Steven Seagal and I want to warn her that Seagal is linked to Joe Arpaio who "covered up" the murder of Margaret Lesher.  Joe Arpaio is tough on illegal immigrants UNLESS their friends with ex CIA that are linked to drug trafficking - Heck Why does Michele Bachmann need me to tell her this.. She should ask Sal Russo.  He's the political operative linked to the "creepy stuff".... During that time in spring of 2012 I had a death treat and reported it to the FBI.

The act will guarantee legal help to family members of covert/clandestine operatives  

I've been asked an interrogatory questions by Kline Preston (whose most likely related to Stephen Preston the top CIA lawyer that President Obama has recently promoted to TOP DOD lawyer.  I was asked "who" in the government that I worked for when I was 14 years old.   I didn't work for anyone - All I did was go to a boarding school and was the roommate of a girl from El Salvador whose families led death squads 
Sharyn Bovat can't get a lawyer in Tennessee to help her cause their scared of the CIA stuff.   She have a lot of documentation that shows that due to her IC family.

Besides legal assistance the bill would help children of operative understand "what" their families did, provide physiological resources & assist with job references and aid the children of covert operatives in obtaining health insurance.
My grandfather former Naval intelligence in the late 1940's and lived in Korea on the 38th Parallel  - after that nobody knows "what" he did.  My mom was Chief Stewardess for Transocean Airlines, lived in Tokyo and hired women to "spy" for America. My dad a World Airways pilot did flights that deemed him CIA.  While he was in LAOS i was conceived and rumor has it that his boss could be my bio dad, maybe that's why Dean Lesher was so kind to me & under his wing in 1984 -he was the publisher of the Contra Costa Times and he had me do research for those that did Iran Contra, Also I was one of Nancy Reagan's "ears"  the Reagans were fond of my Uncle Bill Frisbie he was the Chief Pilot for Pan Am. 

This is between Sharyn Bovat and Mark Silverman a former editor of Gannett and Ben Bradlee winner

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

James Clapper, Michael Vickers and Stephen Preston - I've Got a Theory That the Lockerbie Bombing Was Inspired By Operation Condor. Some of the "Same" Players Profited & The NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn is Connected to Iran Contra - Operations Cyclone and His Dad Did Condor. He's Connected to Some "Serious" Players Linked to Drug Cartels, The Russian Mafia & Arms Dealers. Carlos Ghosn Will Know About the Lockerbie Cover Up & "Maybe" He Helped with the Guest List. PLEASE Have Him Testify at the Senate Intelligence Committee. Lets Put it on CSPAN

"Heck- if Iran is gonna punish us with 'eye for an eye' then we might as well have them 'take out' the eyes that are giving us trouble" *********   

"....The pilots arrived at the airstrip at night in a car with blackout windows.  Upon arrival at the airstrip they walked around the plane in silence & did safety checks - they were given a specific amount of time-    NOBODY was around.  Then they boarded the plane - locked the cockpit door and secured the sun-blocking shades covering the windows.  Within minutes a knock at the door indicated the passengers were boarding.   Two knocks meant it was time for departure.  The pilots flew over ocean and once the reduction of the cargo weight stayed stabilized they flew back to the airstrip.  Another knock on the door and in 15 minutes the car was waiting to take them to the bar...."  ****** An Operation Condor pilot told to Sharyn Bovat WHY he drinks.

I was told the father of Carlos Ghosn was a "player" in Operation Condor.It's my opinion he followed his dads footsteps and helped do the "list" for of the passengers for Pan Am flight 103.  It's a theory and I can "back up" how I got to my allegations.  

Recently I was told by a respected member of the mainstream media that ALL that I blog about and have on my website has "vetted" to be 85-90% true. To make someone credible they only need to be 75% accurate and to make someone credible in things connected to the CIA you only have to be 60% accurate.  The 10-15% of the items that I write about that were proven to not be correct have been explained to me like this...'either we can't verify OR you were giving false informations.... you were associated with 'master manipulators' I was not told what I say is wrong (if I did I would issue "clarifications) but I get the impression from another conversation that my Tony Blair allegations were 'slightly' off.  Personally I think he's a a money grubbing twit BUT years ago I was told that "people are products of their environment and maybe he just became oblivious to his actions.  I think that happened to the Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell too.  Power Corrupts and not all people know their corrupt... UNTIL the FEDS come knocking.   

Someone tell Eric Holder 'thank you' for not being hard on Enid Greene.  I was one of the people that  spoke out.  I knew Joe Waldholtz was "conning" her before they were married & I told that to -  I said "that" during my Bankers Trust days.

Google Bankers Trust Scandal you'll see my picture and "get this".....   I was bullied, jailed and harassed in Tennessee and the state is #1 in corruption.  it harbored documents that were "slow" to retrieve.  Recently I was told of more issues with Tennessee - it's governors and banking.... I see a "pattern".... someone call me  615-944-7599

"....Again and again, for more than two years, the auditors were told that the records had been transferred from New York to a warehouse in Nashville. The audit moved ahead slowly, partly because the auditors' resources were stretched thin but also because they failed to use stronger measures available to them, like issuing subpoenas or fining the bank, in the hope that it would cooperate...." move of documents to Nashville was on "purpose".. a former Bankers Trust employee whom I interacted with told me.  This is when I worked for Paula Gabrielle during the "fun times" when Let Lee and Gerald Callahan were "fighting for immunity"....  Recently I sat next to another "former BT alum" on a Southwest flight... She got a political appointment in Tennessee - on involving "green" issues.  Wow!!!

Oops sorry for the diversion.... Back to Operation Condor as the inspiration for the Lockerbie Bombing "guest list"....

Carlos Ghosn is Brazilian Lebanese & connected to drug running.I believe that IRAN wanted to retaliate for the downing of a civilian aircraft on July 3rd 1988.   I think America and the UK had "nothing to do" with the planning.  I think that allies of rogue CIA & Middle Eastern CIA profiteers many that were apart of Operation Cyclone put together the "passenger list" - 

Excerpt from NYT article

Officials in the United States Attorney's office said that when the bank's management first alerted Federal investigators to the scam, it played down the involvement of Bankers Trust employees.
In response, Bankers Trust said it minimized its executives' culpability at first because it did not realize the scope of the fraud. What it has not said, however, is that state auditors were pressing it for answers to questions about a possible conspiracy two years before the bank notified Federal authorities.
Stumbling Blocks On a Paper Trail
Auditors at the New York State Comptroller's office -- which audits banks for unclaimed funds originally owned by New York residents or institutions -- are known to be unusually dedicated, yet loath to see their names in print. True to their reputation, none of those involved in the Bankers Trust investigation would comment for attribution.
When the auditors noticed in 1994 that Bankers Trust's unclaimed-funds accounts had dropped from $10.2 million in 1993 to $3.9 million in 1994, they asked for records explaining the plunge. But despite repeated requests, the documents were not forthcoming. Because banks were ordinarily quick to assist them, the auditors were bothered by the fact that Bankers Trust was not.
''The bank initially wasn't very cooperative and indicated that records couldn't be located,'' Comptroller H. Carl McCall said in an interview. Bankers Trust's diversion of unclaimed funds ''is one of the more egregious abuses my auditors have uncovered,'' he added.
Again and again, for more than two years, the auditors were told that the records had been transferred from New York to a warehouse in Nashville. The audit moved ahead slowly, partly because the auditors' resources were stretched thin but also because they failed to use stronger measures available to them, like issuing subpoenas or fining the bank, in the hope that it would cooperate.
Remarkably, even as the state auditors were in the bank raising questions about unclaimed funds, several Bankers Trust executives were blatantly foraging through those same accounts to locate money they could withhold from the state, according to allegations in an unsuccessful civil lawsuit filed in 1996 by Let W. Lee, a managing director who reported to Mr. Kingdon, against Bankers Trust in Federal court in Manhattan.
In the spring of 1995, Mr. Lee asked two of his employees, Harvey Plante and Gerard Callaghan, to identify unclaimed funds that could be kept on the bank's books, according to the lawsuit. The suit said Mr. Lee and Mr. Callaghan directed Mr. Plante to set up a reserve account for unclaimed funds -- the same account that Federal prosecutors would later label a slush fund.
The suit said Mr. Kingdon and Paula C. Gabriele, head of Bankers Trust's retirement services business, knew about the reserve account. It also said Mr. Lee cleared all of his actions, which he believed to be legal, with Bankers Trust's compliance officers. (The bank's compliance officers notify senior management of routine requests like Mr. Lee's only if they believe a problem has arisen, according to a bank spokesman.)
Mr. Lee's suit, which claimed that the bank libeled him in a disclosure to Federal authorities, was dismissed by an appeals court in February, on technical grounds; Bankers Trust was never called upon to respond to its allegations.
In all, Bankers Trust said 13 employees involved in the diversion of unclaimed funds resigned between 1996 and 1997.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

James Clapper, Michael Vickers and Stephen Preston: The NSA Rejected Me Due to My "Record".... Is Standing Up to a Company That Fuels Iran a Reason to NOT Want Someone at the NSA? I'm INNOCENT... The ONLY Thing i'm Guilty of is Having a Bad Lawyer.... Oops Stephen Preston - Is Kline Preston YOUR Brother?

On the plus side I know have opened up my options on the "personal" front:):)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Sharyn Bovat 
Subject: Hello - from Sharyn 
Date: July 22, 2013 2:18:28 PM CDT


I've reconsidered your offer o a fling- be gentle. Just reminding you I've never had sex with a foreign national because I was raised in the American Intelligence community & was told ot was taboo.  ****** -In a way I'm a virgin:):).

Anyway I was recently told by the NSA they won't hire me because of the misdemeanor Nissan accused me of. The fine was only $50 & I'm innocent BUT still the NSA rejected me.  Well their decision tells me to "branch out" - so do you wanna tango in Egyptian sheets?

If the NSA is reading this - you should have hired me cause I'm talented!!!
So my EU genius - wanna have a play date ?


Sent from my iPhone

  1. James Clapper, Stephen Preston, & Michael Vickers YOU Have to ...

    May 23, 2013 - OMG my ex lawyer whose "most likely" connected to the CIA General Counsel Stephen Preston (Kline Preston) is tweeting that he WANT Assad ...
    You +1'd this

  2. cia - top lawyer stephen preston allowed for whistleblower - YouTube

    Dec 10, 2012 - Uploaded by Sharyn Bovat

  3. Google These Names Stephen Preston CIA, Kline Preston, Michael

    Dec 20, 2012 - Google These Names Stephen Preston CIA, Kline Preston, Michael Vickers CIA, Cal Vickers NISSAN, Mark Silverman Gannett, Freddie ...
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  4. It Takes Courage & the 1st Amendment to Fight Moral Turpitude

    Mar 12, 2013 - Google These Names Stephen Preston CIA, Kline Preston, Michael .... NISSAN Whistleblower UPDATE - Stephen and Kline Preston Might.
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  5. Kline Preston Asked the Courts to Order Me to Share Copies of Text ...

    Jul 14, 2013 - On Nov 10, 2012, at 4:55 AM, Kline Preston wrote: ... Kline Prestonsent a text to Sharyn in 2012 that Stephen Preston was/is a relative.

  6. The Preston Brothers - Nissan Whistleblowers

    Google These Names Stephen Preston CIA, Kline Preston, Michael ... days ago ...

  7. Stephen Preston CIA - Marsha Blackburn 2014

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  8. James Comey FBI Nominee - Welcome and Here's A Todo List ...

    Jun 10, 2013 - Kline Preston ReTweets ANOTHER - Sharyn Bovat Says Kline Preston is Trying to Intimidate Her ... For Kline Preston to post the tweet of the "paranoid people" the day after I complained about his tweet ... Stephen Preston CIA.

  9. Sharyn Bovat

    2 days later Kline Preston my lawyer told me that "it was a joke" ... so I told him that once he sends me a "notarized" affidavit saying that Stephen Preston is NOT  ...

  10. Kline Preston Just Tweeted that John McCain is a Fool (in Russian)..

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