Saturday, October 26, 2013

DOD Whistleblower Tells Jeffrey Toobin He's WRONG on Edward Snowden... Had He Shared His Concern with Senator Feinstein He Would Have Been Ignored. James Comey of the FBI is the BIGGEST Hope Sharyn Has in Helping to STOP Fraud, Discrimination & Stop American Technology From Going to Putin/Khomeini That the Congress Allowed to Happen. Cecilia Aguilera If the Senator is Covertly Helping Me Then NOW is the Time to Tell Me?

"Jeffrey Toobin wrote in the New Yorker that Snowden should have just taken his concerns to Senator Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate committee on intelligence"
 World News 
 Click here for story

Mr. Toobin "respectfully" your WRONG!!!

I've got PROOF a Ben Bradlee winner helped me by proofing a brochure that I sent to Senator Dianne Feinsteins office -I have the "certified" receipt KNOWING she got it in 2011... I was still bullied in Tennessee and I'm STILL fighting for my reputation.  

I have PROOF the mainstream media KNOWS about me - they know I've been bullied, terrorized and jailed and they stay silent. 

This summer I was told people wanted to "put a bullet in my brain".....   

Jeffry Toobin... a CNN producer talked to me... and I know that CNN know's I'm legit- I was used as a "3rd party reliable source"

FYI- My mom knew Senator Feinstein and I attended a birthday party for her with a BIG donor in 1991 (+/- a year) -  He was friends with Leo and brought in a LOT of Japanese $$$ for the Senator.  People did NOT want him "mingling" with the Union types due to the BUY AMERICA rhetoric during that time.   I got to stay at the Fairmont...  

I've known the Senator was linked to the Kissinger types & I thought she'd help grandfather was linked to them too.

 Still I don't have a job or health insurance. I've suffered for over 4 years because I "tried" to help my country.   Looking back I should have "taken the check" NISSAN offered me in 2009.  I was "idealistic" thinking my voice would be listened too.   The fact is I exposed BILLIONS that was given in DOE loans/ stimulus grants to foreign companies that fuel the Iranian economy & will share innovations with our enemy.  Still I'm bullied.  Jeffry Toobin call me if YOU would like to report the story.  I will send YOU a letter certified.  NOW you too will have accountability for DOING NOTHING....

Whistleblowers in America are ABUSED!!!!  

Since then I've been to the Senator's DC office 3 times.

Jeff Toobin
I've sent certified
letters to IGO's and to the press....

 I've made brochures... I've offered to take lie detector test...
I've been told by people at the DOD my issue is a real one and a BIG one... still it's IGNORED....

Jeffrey Toobin is WRONG... Had Edward Snowden told the Senate Intelligence Committee "most likely" nothing would have happened and America would still be BLIND to the surveillance abuses.

Jeffry Toobin YOU Tell me my issue is NOT important?

The PRESS seems to be the Guardian of the Emerald City Gates: 

Orders are nobody can see the 

Great Oz! Not nobody, not nohow!

DOD Whistleblower Asks James Clapper, Michael Vickers and Stephen Preston if She Should Leave the Country Like Snowden? 

I Can't Get a Job in America Because I Whistle Blew... I NOW Know What My Grandfather Said was TRUE.... "Keep Your Mouth Shut and Just Play Golf"... OK I Get It.... 

The Fact is the Media Controls to STOP Whistleblowers Were Embedded Into the Heart of the IC.... UNTIL Something Drastic Happens It's Just Getting Worse.... Was Snowden the Something Drastic?

What the ****   Guess James Clapper did NOT get the memo that the government shutdown is OVER!!!!!

Senator  I was "vetted"...  & the Lockerbie Truth can be exposed  and the relatives of those that died on Pan Am flight 103 can have "closure" in reference to the 25 year old terrorist act... 

All that needs to happen is for the IC IGO to "turn on their fax machine"....

Then I can expose a network of people including the NISSAN CEO  Carlos Ghosn for being part of the "cover up"....  

Seriously... I sent the fax to the IC IG and was told the machine was not "on"  

Coverpage: Here's a copy of the request I sent to the CIA IGO about a year ago. It was emailed to the DOD IGO and NOW I would like the iC IGO to look at it. To have American taxpayer money being given to a foreign company that shares it's technology with Putin and Iran and for this problem to be KNOWN by members of Congress and for the funding to continue is totally unacceptable to the theory of Common Sense. Please call me with any questions. attached is a recent motion filed in Tennessee - my "ex lawyer" did NOT tell me that Howard Baker from the Reagan era was the Senior partner of Baker Donelson - this is a factor because I had told him I was being retaliated against for whistleblower due to my CIA past... FYI I'm a former spy of Nancy Reagan & in 1992 when visiting the Middle East I "most likely" met the Palestinian money launderer that worked with the Iranian National Guard in reference to the Lockerbie Bombing - the motive was "most likely retaliation for the July 1988 downing of an Iranian civilian aircraft. NOW I fear that those doing the Pan Am flight 103 "guest list" wanted certain whistleblowers on the plane. I say this due to the fact I've been bullied and terrorized by people linked to CIA drug trafficking. FHI- I met people in Honduras that were connected to CIA backed drug cartels. I will take a lie detector test. I have talked to Senate Intelligence Committee staffers... Attached is my recent brochure...

is "this" how a super power operates?

The mainstream media KNOWS Iran is also responsible for the Lockerbie Bombing

When James Clapper "turns on the IC fax" then the Lockerbie Bombing truth might be exposed Americans will NOT buy NISSAN..... 

James Clapper, Michael Vickers, Stephen Preston The DOD Whistleblower Says Disney World is the ONLY Place I Feel Safe to Travel to Since Exposing MASSIVE Abuse & Lack of Congressional Oversight Allowing for The Treasury to "Fund" Over a Billion Dollars to a Company that Shares Technology with Terrorist Nations.

Starting in the mid-1960s when Disney set out to establish the Disney World Theme Park, they were determined to get land at below market prices and Disney operatives engaged in a far-ranging conspiracy to make sure sellers had no idea who was buying their Central Florida property. By resorting to such tactics Disney acquired more than 40 square miles of land for less than $200 an acre, but how to maintain control once Disney's empire had been acquired? The solution turned out to be cartoon-simple, thanks to the CIA. -  link to story

".....Looks like Howard Baker of Baker Donelson KNEW members of Sharyn Bovat's family and NOW she can link the NISSAN CEO to CiA backed drug dealing....   Seems like people that did dirty deals in the 80's moved to Tennessee   Mike Curb is a "good guy" he was connected to the Military Industrial Complex through Walt Disney... it's weird... BUT Disneyland in the Cold War was used as a place for COMMON GROUND.  When that Russian leader really wanted to visit Disneyland (ind the late 50's early 60's?) he was indirectly saying he wanted PEACE TALKS.. the Good Ole Boys that ran the MIC ... wanted nothing to do with peace talks....  Having an enemy is the KEY to getting rich....."   my blog

Nissan Whistleblower: *** Clarification- US Chamber President and ...

Oct 1, 2013 - The DOD Whistleblower (formally known as the NISSAN Whistleblower)... to the Military Industrial Complex through Walt Disney... it's weird.

Nissan Whistleblower: This is BIGGER Than Snowden.... Sorry ...

Jul 27, 2013 - Nissan Whistleblower ... MIC (Military Industrial Complex). ... 3 Years Ago Fiscal Issues Were Exposed on The NISSAN WHistleblowers Blog.

Disney's key contact was the consummate cloak-and-dagger operator, William "Wild Bill" Donovan. Sometimes called the "Father of the C.I.A," he was also the founding partner of Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine, a New York law firm whose attorneys included future C.I.A. director William Casey. Donovan’s attorneys provided fake identities for Disney agents; they also set up a secret communications center, and orchestrated a disinformation campaign. In order to maintain "control over the overall development," Disney and his advisers realized, “the company would have to find a way to limit the voting power of the private residents" even though, they acknowledged, their efforts "violated the Equal Protection Clause" of the U.S. Constitution. Here again the CIA was there to help. link to story

How the CIA Helped Disney Conquer Florida - The Daily Beast

Apr 14, 2013 - With advice from former CIA operatives and lawyers, Disney bought up the land for Florida's Disney World and orchestrated a unique legal ...

Monday, October 21, 2013

Odds & Ends _ Fitch & Fimalac Conflict of Interest: Carlos Ghosn and The Taxi of Terror - NISSAN VP Susan Brennan Plays Games with Words... Yates Pays Auto Workers ONLY 12 an Hour UAW & Cindy Estrada "Fix It" Rogue Rollout Gets Comments Too

How can Fitch FAIRLY Rate a NISSAN product when the board members of Fitch's parent company are on the board of Renault/NISSAN... It's a conflict of interest?  

RPT-Fitch to rate Nissan Auto Lease Trust 2013-B; issues presale

Reuters-4 hours ago
Fitch Ratings expects to assign the following ratings and Rating Outlooks to NissanAuto Lease Trust 2013-B: --$127,000,000 class A-1 .

Haslam Family Business FBI & IRS Raid Commentary: Reid ...
4 days ago - Look at the Board of Fitch's Owner Fimalac... to See How Fitch OwnerFimalac's Boardmembers are Linked to Haslam Crony's from NISSAN ...

"... we aim to have 85 percent of Nissan vehicles sold in the U.S. built in North America by 2015..." Susan Brennan NISSAN VP

she does NOT say that the cars will be built in MEXICO.....  someone should have the "balls" to challenge her on that.....

Speaking of cars  built in Mexico....

FYI- It's sad that I was bullied for 4 years... the problem I blogged about is REAL...The Mainstream media thinks 'it's OK that NISSAN does business with IRAN... That's probably why nobody trust the mainstream media.  

Court Blocks City's Plan for 'Taxis of Tomorrow'

New York Times-Oct 8, 2013

  1. Nissan Whistleblower: Sorry Charlie.... New York City is NOT Getting ...
    Oct 9, 2013 - New York City is NOT Getting the NISSAN Taxi of Terror. ... The DODWhistleblower Exposed NISSAN Carlos Ghosn Stacked the Deck Against ...
    You +1'd this
  2. Nissan WhistleblowerNISSAN's NYC Taxi...Made in Mexico: 40+ ...
    Mar 22, 2012 - NISSAN's NYC Taxi...Made in Mexico: 40+% of Profits Support Iran....NISSAN's Marketing VP Jon Branchaeu is MOODY.....Maybe He Feel Bad ...
  3. Nissan Whistleblower: Bob Dickey a Viewer Asked WHY Nobody ...
    Sep 11, 2012 - FYI- I was told Bloomberg pushed the taxi contract to Nissan due to his... the recipient of a $1 billion contract to manufacture NYC's "Taxi of ..

TRAVERSE CITY -- About half the 1,000 new employees Nissan is adding in Canton, Miss., have been hired, but they are contract workers earning about $12 an hour and they won't become full-time Nissan employees for five years, said Bill Krueger, Nissan North America senior vice president in charge of manufacturing,purchasing and supply chain management.
Krueger spoke Monday at the Center for Automotive Research annual Management Briefing Seminars.
This is one of the more aggressive uses of contract or temporary workers, said one labor expert, although other automakers, including the ..

TRAVERSE CITY -- About half the 1000 new employees Nissan is adding in ... said Bill Krueger,Nissan North America senior vice president in ...