I had originally said NO to allowing a story about me and Silverman due to my loyalty to Mark. I really "thought" he was a friend. Seems like I might be WRONG? If I'm Wrong about Mark then it's TRUE about what they say about the Washington Times….
DC Pillow Talk - Voice of a Moderate
Maybe I'm being paranoid & Mark Silverman will take away my fears & call me and tell me "he will HONOR his promise?
Also I was just told about the close relationship of the former Banner paper in Tennessee.. Evidently the 70's FBI Seigenthaler Scandal had a TWIST to it…. Ouch!!! Has the mainstream media "been playing' with their readers since Watergate? Someone (very credible) told me that after Watergate the CIA took "tighter" hold of the papers. NOW a Tennessee researcher is telling me the HISTORY of Gannett…. They really did help the FBI- in a STEALTH way. Do I just have to accept that the media in America is controlled by the government. I'm a team player so "if" that's the case tell me?
huh…. Now I'm trying to figure out WHO to trust? it looks like the GOP elite that benefit from Gannett have NOT helped me… WHY?
Maybe they are helping me and nobody has told me? Ed?
The fact is in America whistleblowers are ABUSED.
I'm LOST- Maybe Mark Silverman did "use me"… Maybe I was wrong that he was ethical. Well if the FBI investigates him and sends him to jail on RICO charges then he'll have time to write my book:):) Also I learned from a Pebble Beach source that Saxby Chambliss PAC is connected to the network… it's BiPartisan & connected to TVA and NOW we have Georgia Power… Looks like Duke is in it too and Mitch Daniels is "most likely" corrupt… I really did NOT want to learn this.
OMG!!! Seriously do you people THINK I want to keep ranting about this? I'm tired of fighting for my reputation BUT I will UNTIL I get RESPECT. Now I just need to know WHO to trust. That and I have to figure out HOW to stay alive. I'm learning that America is NOT a place of Freedom of Speech - the Constitution is not a document that applies to AVERAGE America …. I'm sad: America has broken my heart.
It's time for ALL of America to get RESPECT - Please ALL of You …. Just end the era of Good Ole Boy greed.
Have a Great Day!!
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