Thursday, May 30, 2013

James Clapper, Stephen Preston and Michael Vickers MOST Moderate Woman Want You to Free John Kiriakou OR Give Him of Bunch of NEW Bunkmates. Why Do You NOT Persecute the Torturers BUT Persecute the Whistleblower. Why are Whistleblowers That Speak Up Against the CIA Treated Like Evil Villians. Why Am I Considered a CIA Whistleblower. Does Michael Vickers Hate Me Cause I'm NOT Corrupt? Someone Explain?

Maybe "if" someone explained WHY he needs to be in jail and OTHERS do NOT then I'd understand BUT as of NOW I and a LOT of other people do NOT understand WHY John Kiriakou is in jail?

  1. Op-Ed: Obama refuses to pardon or commute sentence of CIA ... hours ago
    Washington - Obama has not punished anyone for the torture practices revealed by the CIA whistle-blower John Kiriakou. Indeed, Obama has ...


Stephen Preston Cia


Michael Vickers CIA

OMG!!!  Stephen Preston Was Quash the Benghazi Talking Points....

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