Saturday, June 15, 2013

James Clapper, Michael Vickers and Stephen Preston - The Jury is Still Out on Edward Snowden - I Never Would Have Learned About Freddie Woodruff or Helped Accused Renault Spies Had People Known About Surveillance STILL Do NOT Let Him Seek Refuge in Russia.... Putin Already Has Steven Seagal to Play With.

Understanding the Edward Snowden issue is one that people are BOTH sides have strong opinions & the facts are not yet out.  Most people can't figure out how he'd have access to all the data and was able to give it to the Guardian?

  Most people LIKE the fact he speaks out for trasnparency in government.

My only fear is that the 3 men from Renault that I "saved" by being told by a person connected to Blackwater they were innocent and the documents that the NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn's allies were using to convict them had not be manufactures.. Thus a window to force transparency.  The men were quickly vindicated once pressure put on the Sarkozy regime

Renault Spy/Strauss Kahn - Note to NISSAN Board

Had my source had known about the NSA programs they might not have told me the vital information that led to the "viral fight for human decency".... so my opinions on him are mixed.

British Source Connect NISSAN CEO to Russian Mafia..... NEW


Also the murder of former CIA field chief Freddie Woodruff - I was able via the web to get information & that "cold case" might be solved.

Georgia Promises New Look at Freddie Woodruff Killing - NYTimes ...

Apr 28, 2013 – 

 I do NOT think Edward Snowden is a traitor - in fact I think the people that put him in the positions of holding all that data are the ones to blame.  Snowden was doing what he thought was best for humanity.  Still that knowledge will lead to less communications ...... Booze Hamilton looks bad.
So does the CIA.  The drunk driving issue I can see happening.

Guess on this issue I'm neutral....

It's complicated and I hope the mainstream media is non biased in their opinions.

As you can tell the "jury is out"....  My only opinion is do NOT let him get refuge in Russia...

1 comment:

  1. I sincerely doubt Freddie's murder will ever be solved.
