Sunday, June 9, 2013

James Clapper, Stephen Preston, & Michael Vickers - You Guys Need to Tell America YOUR Gonna Change.... It Starts With Letting John Kiriakou Go Free & Giving Bradley Manning a Time Served Deal. BOTH Have Become a Heroes and Ya'll Look Like Zeros. YES!!! The NISSAN Whistleblower Wants FREEDOM for the CIA Whistleblower UNLESS YOU Prosecute Michael Vickers and Leon Panetta....If YOU Don't Prosecute Them YOU Look Like Hypocrites!!!!

OMG  Michael Vickers and Leon Panetta Leaked.

Are they gonna get prosecuted? 

If NOT the CIA looks like a cover up is happening.. Get Bradley Manning to "cut a deal" and plead to something and guarantee him TIME SERVED... or put him in a minimum security prison....  People don't understand HOW he got a 16 year sentence and NOW you want "life".... 

"This whole thing, this trial, it all comes down to one simple equation. If you can be punished for making public a crime, then the government doing the punishing is itself criminal.
Manning, by whatever means, stumbled into a massive archive of evidence of state-sponsored murder and torture, and for whatever reason, he released it. The debate we should be having is over whether as a people we approve of the acts he uncovered that were being done in our names...."

Read more: 

If he goes to trial & the outcome "not fair" you could see a revolution... 90% of all people "under 30" think he's = to what grown up in the 70's thought of Mohammed Ali...  a hero.

Lots of people in there 40's and 50's have no opinion BUT women find the abuse he got in jail appalling.  Women find Guantanamo appalling.  Women find that a dad (John Kiriakou) who spoke up for humanity jailed appalling.   

Putin is oppressing people and it seems like the CIA is doing the same.  

Granted I understand leaks are bad.  I'm the victim of NISSAN putting me in the comupter system as the #2 Security risk GLOBALLY and it was relayed to me that NISSAN executives told people ALL of the
world I was a "spy"... I was/am NOT a spy and what they did harmed me.  I was told that I can't travel to some countries for fear of death.   People might think I know more than I know- which I don't know but even so they will terrorize me to try to find out what I know that I know I don't know.  It's SCARY!!!

How come when I spoke to the DOJ guy he told me to sue NISSAN civil ally.  I want CRIMINAL investigations... I will share the information with ANY member of congress that will insist that investigations happen.   The courts in Tennessee have hindered the type of litigation that the DOJ told me to do. The ADA Terry Wood LIED in a affidavit to "protect" NISSAN .. Whose protecting me and whose protecting America?

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