Friday, March 15, 2013

Senator- PLEASE Stay Away from CPAC You are the She Devil of the Tea Party.

AL Gore defines the word creepy in a very "clear" way. Unlike he explanations for other things: 

 “There’s a difference between scary and creepy. Creepy is not fear; creepy is pre-fear. It’s like something is going on — and you don’t know what it is.” Al Gore

Even before any of the headline acts had taken to any of the ballroom stages, the red meat was flying over old issues. Texan representative Louie Gohmert told an audience: ''Vietnam was winnable but people in Washington decided we would not win it,'' during a discussion about the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi.

That is NOT true-I remember on a flight dead heading to Dulles the President of World Airways talking to "Ford's Guy" (Donald Rumsfeld) about how to keep the war going. He bought a bunch of equipment and needed the business.  Later I spent a week with photographer Eddie Adams at the Disney Institute - He - Steve Mccurry - Jill Enfield and Jay Maisel spent a week at a NIKON school teaching us how to be photographers.  They had to eat with us and interact (part of their contract). I talked to him about WHY the Vietnam War ended..... good chat. 

He also stated that President Jimmy Carter should have gone to war with Iran, saying, “When our embassy was attacked, it was an act of war in 1979.” Gohmert went on to say that we have Americans dying today because Jimmy Carter did not go to war with Iran in 1979.

Huh!!!  OK- There is a REASON why people like Rand Paul.... GOP Quit Spinning the war stuff... There's a new invention called the internet and it's really easy to show the idiocy.  PLEASE STOP!!!

"....Because of my family "that" is HOW I knew that the NISSAN CEO was connected to what I call the "creepy" people ("most likely" ex CIA or their allies that were connected to my family).  My dad worked for World Airways and I knew the hostages taken in 1979 would not be released until the Republicans were in charge.  I knew that none of them would be harmed.  I knew about issues with Lebanon.  Also that Reagan got the "green light" once he agreed to make Bush his VP.  That's ALL I know...."  from my blog....

Dec 18, 2012
My dad worked for World Airways and I knew the hostages taken in 1979 would not be released until the Republicans were in charge. I knew that none of them would be harmed. I knew about issues with Lebanon. Also that ...
Dec 25, 2012
My dad worked for World Airways and I knew the hostages taken in 1979 would not be released until the Republicans were in charge. I knew that none of them would be harmed. I knew about issues with Lebanon. Also that ...

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