Tuesday, February 4, 2014

***UPDATE**** FYI I Had a Source Tell Me about Boston Bombing Linked to Pro Putin CIA.... BEFORE the Snowden Leaks... I Just Wish he'd come home.... James Comey FBI.... I'm Getting a Reverse Cyber Attack.... Guess the CIA DeClassified the Ballot for the Nashville Figure Skating Club 2013 Election... Some Stuff is STILL MIA... I'm Stunned... Guess John Brennan is Scared of the Senate Intelligence Committee... Thank You David Grannis:):)

James Comey....I Know that Russia is Linked to Boston Bombing - So does PUTIN...  Please keep our athletes safe.....

Please read:


“There seems to be two turf wars taking place; there is one between the Senate Intelligence Committee and the CIA and that’s bad enough and a second dispute between two opposing groups within the CIA. It is hard to work out which… is more outrageous,”
Barry Grossman 

James Comey- missing files are "coming back"..... those that were hacked from my computer in August... look at the post that I wrote...on August 7th and see the email I sent to Silverman and Baker Donelson on August 3rd shortly BEFORE the hacking....  Apply wrote a letter saying that NOTHING was on my hard drive....

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